This is my first blog! I’m so happy that I can blog about my family to you guys! I really hope you like all my blogs. I have a stepmom who is crazy- so I will be blogging about mostly her and my family.

Every time my sister and I go to our Dad’s house, our Stepmom is in a crappy mood. Always. She cusses, and yells… My sister and I cry in our rooms. She HATES it when I wear makeup, talk about social media, phones, and boys. She is a very inappropriate model. She always go to her shoots, (where they take her pictures wearing bras, panties or bikinis) When me and my Sis are gone to our Mom’s house, she takes her boys (who are our stepbrothers) out for ice cream, or sno cones or buys them expensive toys they don’t need.

They also get new clothes, shoes, everything. We don’t get anything! She is ridiculous!! Plus, she tells them NOT to tell us, and she BRAGS about it. She’s like ” Boys! let’s get ice cream at Braums and Mcdonalds when the girls leave!”  She treats them for bad behavior. One time Jace, (our stepbrother who is 5 years old) cussed and said the “f” word in the car and when I mean he said the bad word, he said the whole word. He didn’t even have to go to bed when we got home. All he had to do was stand in the corner for 5 minutes!! If I said that word, I would probably have to stand in the corner for about an hour, then go to bed.

It’s just not fair.

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